Wednesday, August 20, 2008

In case ikeepbookmarks doesn't work...

Just in case the ikeepbookmarks site isn't working for the second summer assignment, here are the direct links for parts a and b...

Here's the link for the 2a, the intelligence article and audio clip:

and here's the link for the Teen Brain video series for assignment 2b:

If you have not completed the assignment, the deadline is Monday, August 25th in class.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Assignment AP Psych

Welcome to AP Psych! These assignments will introduce you to some concepts in psychology, and hopefully spark some interesting thoughts. These summer assignments are due immediately when you return. Expect a quiz on this information in the first week of class.

Assignment #1
Go to and click on "8th Edition AP." Once there, you must create an account, and when asked for your instructor's e-mail, you must input so that I can receive notification that you completed the activities and so that you can get a grade. You must then complete the PsychSim5 activities that correspond to the Prologue and Chapter 1 of your textbook ("Psychology's Timeline" and "Descriptive Statistics"). You must also print out the PsychSim worksheets for "Psychology's Timeline" and "Descriptive Statistics" and complete them by hand to turn in on the first day.

Assignment #2
Go to to view my bookmarks. Feel free to poke around; any of the folders that begin with the word "Psych" contain interesting links relevant to this class. Specifically, though, you must complete parts A and B below using the links specified in the instructions below and then type your answers in separate Word documents to turn in on the first day of class.
Part A.
Click on the "Psych Intelligence" folder, then click on the link called "Students View of Intelligence Can Help Grades."
Read the overview and then click to listen to the 4 minute discussion. Then type up your answers to the following questions in a two-paragraph summary.
-Describe the research discussed in this broadcast.
-Was your belief about intelligence "fixed" or did you have a "growth mindset" of intelligence prior to listening to this?
-Has your belief changed? How and why or why not?
-Which mindset is better, according to the research, and how do you feel this can affect you as a student and lifelong learner?
Part B.
In my bookmarks, click on the "Psych Development" folder, then click on the link titled "Teen Brain Video."
Click "View the full program online," then click on each of the six 10-minute videos and watch them (in order).
You will type a three to six page reaction paper to this series of videos. Your paper must be double-spaced with one-inch margins in Times New Roman font size 12. The idea of this assignment is to think about psychology and neuroscience in terms of your own brain. Make it personally relevant to your life! You must include the following in your paper (do not re-type the questions, though- this is an essay and it should flow smoothly)
- Discuss how you compare your behavior and your relationships with those of the teens in the videos.
-Describe the recent findings by psychologists and neuroscientists regarding the teen brain and how these findings apply to your brain and life.
-Discuss the issue of sleep in terms of the research described in the video and your own sleep habits. How can you apply the information to yourself?
-Discuss your opinion of the advice given for parents. Also, how can this advice be applied in your own family? What parts would you like to discuss with them? Do you think these videos would be helpful for your family to watch and discuss? Why?
-Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion, as this is an essay!

That's all! Be sure to email me at if you have any questions or if you have problems with any of the links! Have a great summer!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Extra Credit Summer Assignment for 2008-2009 AP Psych Students

Once you have completed the summer assignment, you can have more fun with psych! If you would like to kick of the new school year with some extra credit, take a look at my favorite books and movies in my profile to the right. If you read/watch one or more of these and write a reaction paper you will earn some extra points! Check back when you're done with the required assignment, I will be posting instructions for earning this extra credit.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Psychological Disorders Assignment

You will learn about psychological disorders from your classmates. You will research and present a psychological disorder of your choice in one of the following formats:
*Research paper
*Dramatization (Perform live or record. Recording must be in a format that can be watched in class, and I will preview it.)
*Poster/ Brochure
*PowerPoint Presentation
You may work individually or in a group of up to 4 students.
This assignment is due when you return from spring break.

Below are your rubric/ directions.

__ / 5 points: Reference page with at least FOUR sources (that you actually used!) and one can be your textbook.

__ / 40 points: Accurately cover all of the following information, including
*Definition of the disorder, including all symptoms described by the DSM IV.
*Causes of the disorder (from all perspectives)
*Treatments for the disorder (all perspectives)
*The most popular treatment options and new breakthroughs

__ / 5 points: Well organized, easy to follow. Explain difficult concepts so that everyone can understand.

__ /10 points (individual grade): demonstrated a thorough understanding of your disorder

Please check your work for neatness, completeness, and mechanics. Points may be adjusted for each group member depending on the circumstances.

Remember to check up in my bookmarks for resources. The link is
and look in the Psych Disorders folder