Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter 7 Sleep and Dream Journal

Sleep Record
Create a CHART and record the following data for at least THREE (3) nights (be sure to record data from at least one non-school night where you can get up whenever you want in the morning):

  1. Time you fall asleep
  2. Time you woke up
  3. Number of hours you slept total
  4. Number of times you woke up during the night and why
  5. Amount of caffeine in the hours before bed, and at what time(s) (one cola, etc.)
  6. How you woke up: on your own or by alarm/other person
  7. If you remember having any dreams on this night
Dream Journal
Be sure to write down at least ONE dream from this week in detail. Even people who claim they never dream will recall a dream if awakened during the REM sleep stage. Everyone dreams every night. You may have greater success remembering your dreams if you use these tips:
  • Keep a pen and paper next to your bed
  • At night before bed, tell yourself that you'll remember and write your dream in the morning
  • When you wake up, stay laying down with your eyes closed(remember context-dependent memory!) and think about what you were just dreaming
  • With the lights still dim, write whatever pieces of your dream you are remembering on the paper you have next to your bed
  • If you try the above one night and it doesn't work, try setting you alarm for ten minutes before you normally wake up the next day. You might be able to catch yourself in a the REM (dream) stage that way.
Sweet dreams!

Other HW: Read/outline/cards Ch. 7 ... sleep, sleep disorders, dreams!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ch. 4 Teen Brain Video HW Assignment

You will watch six very interesting short videos about the teen brain and answer the questions below. Go to and click on "View the Full Program Online" to watch the entire 6 segments in order. The whole thing will take less than one hour.
As you watch, think about the following questions. Please answer each question using complete sentences and turn this in to me next class.
1. Compare and contrast your behavior and your relationships with those of the teens in the videos. (choose at least three examples)
2. Describe two recent findings by psychologists and neuroscientists regarding the teen brain and how these findings apply to your brain and life.
3. a. What are your current sleep habits?b. How can you apply the research on teens' sleep needs to yourself?
4. a. Discuss your opinion of the advice given for parents.b. Also, how can this advice be applied in your own family?c. What parts would you like to discuss with them?d. Do you think these videos would be helpful for your family to watch and discuss? Why?