Friday, December 18, 2015

Winter Break Personality Mask Project and Extra Credit

Personality Mask Project: Unit 10 (Due Wednesday 1/6)

Instructions: Make a full-size face mask decorated on the inside and outside to show who you are on the inside (private self) and on the outside (public self). Decorate with words and imagery from your personality tests, below! Be creative, masks will be displayed!

First, do this personality test! (This is known as a Jung Typology test, or a version of the Myers-Briggs. The Keirsey Temperment Sorter is also similar.)
At the end, it will give you a four-letter code that represents you!

Now go here to get your personality description using the four letter code: down to the box of four-letter personality type combos, and click on the one you scored in the test you just took.

(Mrs. Herrera is an INFP! What are you?)

You can also look up your code in the fun infographics below, and use this info to add to your Personality Mask project:

your social media type
your college major
what star Wars character you're like
what Disney character you're like
what celebrity you're like 

Other personality tests you can take for your Personality Mask:

Extra Credit Book or Movie Review

Check back for extra credit info :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Midterm Essay Prep!

Dear AP Psych Scholar,
I will choose one of the three Free Response Questions below to be on your midterm.  Prepare an answer for all three and you will gain valuable info for both the essay and the multiple choice parts of the exam!
                                                                                                                                                -Mrs. H
If you have any questions, just ask!  Also, remember the tips we discussed regarding how to answer Free Response Questions, and read carefully…

Jen and her group of friends attended the Homecoming game.  Each of them had a shirt with a different letter, so that when they stood together, it spelled out “Stranahan.”  They screamed loudly throughout the game to cheer on the football team, the cheerleaders, and the band.  Stranahan beat Fort Lauderdale, and the friends celebrated.  Explain how each of the following concepts is related to the students’ experiences at the game.
(Your actual exam question will only have 7 of the following 14 terms.)
·         Broca’s area
·         Gestalt principal of similarity
·         Sympathetic nervous system
·         Beta waves
·         Hindsight bias
·         Occipital lobes
·         Cones
·         Motor cortex
·         Cochlea
·         Episodic memory
·         Figure-ground
·         Selective attention
·         Auditory cortex
·         Hippocampus

Researchers conducted a naturalistic study of children between the ages of 5 and 7 years. The researchers visited classrooms during class party celebrations. As a measure of hyperactivity, they recorded the number of times children left their seats. The researchers found a strong positive correlation between sugary snacks offered at the parties and hyperactivity. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that sugar causes hyperactivity.
A.      How might the following explain why people may easily accept the conclusion of the study described above?
·          Confirmation bias
·         Misunderstanding of correlational studies
B.       As a follow-up study, the researchers are designing an experiment to test whether sugar causes hyperactivity.  For the experiment, please do the following.
·          State a possible hypothesis.
·          Operationally define the dependent variable.
·         Describe how random assignment can be achieved.
C.       Based on the results of the follow-up experiment described in Part B, researchers conclude that sugar does not cause any change in hyperactivity.
·         Draw a correctly labeled bar graph depicting this result.

Time is an important variable in many psychological concepts. Describe a specific example that clearly demonstrates an understanding of each of the following concepts and how it relates to or is affected by time. Use a different example for each concept.
·         Critical period
·         Fluid intelligence
·         Refractory period in neural firing
·         Sound localization
·         Afterimage Effect
·         Proactive interferenc
-      REM rebound

Friday, December 11, 2015

AP Psych Midterm December 2015

So, what do you need to know for the midterm? EVERYTHING! Bust out those index flashcards you've made for the each unit! But just to help you out, below are a few helpful review items...

The midterm will be 100 multiple choice questions (approximately 10 per chapter) and a free response question with 10 vocab terms. There will be prep for the free response in class on Monday 12/14.

Neurotransmitter Chart

Pun List Famous Psychologists

Here are a few names to review...

Hawthorne Effect = Showed that factory workers had improved work performance with both improved and poor lighting. Conclusion was that they improved simply because they were being observed in the experiment.

Roger Sperry = The first to propose "split-brain surgery" to help epileptic patients.

Jean Piaget = Proposed four stages of cognitive development. (Remember the acronym Socks Pulled Over Cold Feet to remember these in order.) Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete, and Formal Stages.

Erik Erikson = Proposed eight stages of psychosocial development. (KNOW THESE!!)

Lawrence Kohlberg = Proposed three stages of MORAL development. (all framed around the word conventional.) This theory was criticized as it only tested young children by framing hypothetical situations for them and their responses to these. It did not test cross-culturally and between the genders.

Konrad Lorentz = Imprinting studies. Showed how baby animals would follow the first object they saw after birth. Believed to be a built-in survival mechanism.

Jerome Kagan = Studies to indicate that in-born temperament may explain many behaviors.

Harry Harlow = Showed importance of physical touch over nourishment in infant monkeys.

Mary Ainsworth = Secure infants have good bonds with mothers. Reverse is also true.

Elenor Gibson = The "visual cliff experiment". Showed that depth perception cues are innate.

Hubel and Weisel = Studies with monkeys to show that they had specific FEATURE DECECTORS to aid them in visual processing. (Some for lines, bars, edges, shapes, etc.)

Ernest Hilgard = Studies showing that a hypnotic trance includes a "hidden observer' suggesting that there is some subconscious control during hypnosis.

Ivan Pavlov = Famous for his classical conditioning experiments.

Robert Rescorla = Proposed that there is conscious connection between the CS and the DCS in classical conditioning experiments. (A smoker is aware that a nausea-producing drug will affect his behavior.)

John B. Watson = Famous for the controversial Little Albert classical conditioning experiment.

B.F. Skinner = Famous for me "Skinner Box to demonstrate operant conditioning in low level animals.

Albert Bandura = “Bo-Bo Doll" Experiment to demonstrate how children imitate anti-social behavior.

Confusing Pairs
Here are some terms that sound alike but mean different things. Review them!

Independent Variable (What is tested) vs. Dependent Variable (What is measured)
(Ex: Recess to test attention span; recess is independent, attention span is dependent)

Random selection (of subjects for a study) vs. Random Assignment (of subjects to experimental or control groups in a study)

Experimental Group (group that is tested) vs. Control Group (compared to the experimental, i.e. receives the placebo in a drug experiment.)

Left Brain (Language and Logic) vs. Right Brain (Creative and Spatial)

Corpus Callosum (divides the brain) vs. Cerebral Cortex (covers the brain)

Sympathetic Nervous System ("flight-or-fight") vs. Parasympathetic (calming)

Neurotransmitters (in the nervous system) vs. Hormones (in the endocrine system)

Broca's Area (makes words) vs. Wernicke’s Area (comprehends words)

Identical Twins (Same fertilized egg) vs. Fraternal Twins (Two separate eggs)

Afferent Neurons (Sensory, body to the brain) vs. Efferent Neurons Motor, brain to the body)

Assimilation (All four-legged animals are "doggies") vs. Accommodation ("Doggies are different than "Kitties")

Concrete Operations (logical thinking) vs. Formal Operations (Philosophical thinking)

Sensation (Bottom-up Processing) vs. Perception (Top-Down Processing)

Rods (night vision) vs. Cones (color vision)

Classical Conditioning (Involuntary) vs. Operant Conditioning (Voluntary)

Positive Reinforcement (any reward following a desirable behavior that increases the behavior) vs. Negative Reinforcement (ending “time-out” for bad behavior in playtime increases good behavior in playtime)

Primacy Effect (first items remembered) vs. Recency Effect (last items remembered)

Proactive Interference (loss of the new info) vs. Retroactive Interference (loss of the old info)

Implicit Memory (nondeclarative; skills) vs. Explicit Memory (declarative, facts)

Recall Memory (no cues/fill-in) vs. Recognition Memory (Some hints/multiple choice, matching)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Classwork Unit 5

1. Watch tutorial EEG and sleep stages at

2. Create an infographic to share that illustrates the five dream theories.
Put your dream in the middle and the five theories with explanations around it. May be on paper or digital. Use for freud's wish fulfillment theory.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Sensation and Perception Fun Stuff and Study Tools for TOMORROW'S TEST!

Unit 4 Sensation Perception Test is tomorrow, 12/2!  Log in to your textbook on BEEP and do the two practice quizzes for Unit 4. Also, Here are some links to help you get ready. 

My slides for this unit:

Darren Brown's official YouTube Channel (for if you want to learn some mind control tricks)

Here are some fun links that relate to your unit, including a cochlear implant demo, a test to see if you have synesthesia, and an NPR story about the taste of umami:

The Philip Zimbardo video I showed part of in class, which starts with the Ames Room illusion:

And here is a YouTube Playlist I have going for this unit: 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Break! Perception Posters and Sleep Log/ Dream Journal

Hi AP Psychers,
Hope you are enjoying your break! I am thankful for you... you are really making this a great school year!

Here is the poster assignment for Unit 4: 

Poster #1 Find and label an image to illustrate each of the Gestalt Principles of Perception:
-Figure ground

Poster #2 Find and label an image to illustrate each of the Monocular Cues for Depth Perception
(really? do i have to list them? just look at them in your book on page one forty something)

Here is the Sleep Log and Dream Journal for Unit 5: 

You will need to keep track of at least three nights of data and one dream. You may use an old dream if you can't capture one this weekend. Due in class on Wednesday!

1. Sleep Log: Create a CHART and record the following data for at least THREE (3) nights (be sure to record data from at least one non-school night where you can get up whenever you want in the morning)... 

or print this one :) Printable Sleep Log

  1. Time you fall asleep
  2. Time you woke up
  3. Number of hours you slept total
  4. Number of times you woke up during the night and why
  5. Amount of caffeine in the hours before bed, and at what time(s) (one cola, etc.)
  6. How you woke up: on your own or by alarm/other person
  7. If you remember having any dreams on this night

2. Dream Journal: Be sure to write down at least ONE dream from this weekend in detail. Include illustrations if you'd like. 

Even people who claim they never dream will recall a dream if awakened during the REM sleep stage. Everyone dreams every night. You may have greater success remembering your dreams if you use these tips:

  • Keep a pen and paper next to your bed
  • At night before bed, tell yourself that you'll remember and write your dream in the morning
  • When you wake up, stay laying down with your eyes closed(remember context-dependent memory!) and think about what you were just dreaming
  • With the lights still dim, write whatever pieces of your dream you are remembering on the paper you have next to your bed
  • If you try the above one night and it doesn't work, try setting you alarm for ten minutes before you normally wake up the next day. You might be able to catch yourself in a the REM (dream) stage that way.

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sensation and Perception Unit 4 Info

Home Reading Schedule

Friday 11/13: Basics p. 115-125
Monday 11/16: The Eye p. 126-133
Tuesday 11/17: The Ear p. 133-140
Wednesday 11/18: Other senses p.141-150
Thursday 11/19: Perception p. 151-160
Friday 11/20: Perception p. 161-170
Monday: Online quizzes and review your cards!!!


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Unit 9 Development

Thursday PSD Classwork

Print and complete this handy chart about Piaget's Theory of cognitive development:

Reading Schedule Unit 9

Thursday 11/5: p. 434-444 (nature and nurture of gender development; parent vs. peer influence)

Friday 11/6: p. 445-454 (teens; social development)

Monday: p. 455-464

Tuesday: p. 465-473

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Units 3C and 11 Videos and Cool Stuff

Meet famous engineer with autism and savant syndrome Temple Grandin in this TED talk:

For a fun look at intelligence, check out my YouTube playlist for this unit:

Gardner style Multiple Intelligences Test online:

Here's an interview with Howard Gardner discussing the Theory of Multiple Intelligences:

Do you qualify for Mensa membership?
Or how about a SCHOLARSHIP


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Unit 3B Brain Model Assignment and Links

Brain Model Assignment!

You will be building a 3D model brain using the material of your choice.
Your model will be due on Monday, 10/12.

-Your brain can be made out of anything you want (clay, ceramic, foam) EXCEPT FOR FOOD. You may NOT use food or anything that is perishable to build your brain.
-You may work with a partner. You may work with someone who has AP psych another period.
-You may create a standing 3D model, a hanging 3D model, or a 3D model that lays flat.
-Your goal is to develop a model that identifies specific structures of the human brain. The structures that you must identify are listed below.
-You may either number the parts of your model and make a key, or you may label them directly on the model.
-Your model should be approximately life-sized and split in half so that we can see the inner sides of both hemispheres. You might want to label the inside of one hemisphere and the outside of the other hemisphere. You don't need to label the same structure twice on the two hemispheres.


-Better yet, if you have an Android or iPhone, you can download the 3D Brain app from The DANA Foundation for free.

This should be fun!!!

(There are 25 structures to label, 2 points per label)

 Frontal lobes
 Motor cortex
 Temporal lobes
 Occipital lobes
 Parietal lobes
 Sensory cortex
 Corpus callosum
 Pituitary gland
 Medulla oblongata
 Limbic system
 Brain stem
 Reticular formation
 Broca’s Area
 Wernicke’s Area
 Left hemisphere
 Right hemisphere
 Visual cortex
 Auditory cortex
 Angular gyrus

10/1-10/7: PAGES 60 TO 83
10/8: PAGES 84-87
10/13: PAGES 88-93 (REVIEW FOR TEST)

Extra Credit Brain Song or Cheer:

Write a neuroscience song to the tune of any pop song released in the last year (2013-2014). Your song must include terms and concepts from unit 3A and/or 3B, and it should be informative!
Cheerleaders may instead do a fun and informative cheer.

TED Talks!!!

Whenever you get a chance, watch a few TED Talks. Start with these, but there are so many good ones relevant to your chapter!

The home page is or you could download the TED app on your smartphone.

and you should start with Jill Bolte Taylor's "Stroke of Insight" talk:

then you might like Iain McGilchrist's Divided Brain:

and Helen Fisher: The Brain in Love

and for my musicians and rappers, Charles Limb: Your Brain on Improv:

You may also enjoy some other items I've bookmarked for this unit:

Post any other cool links you find in the comments below!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Format for Unit 3A and Unit 3B Flashcards

Keep an eye out for the reading schedule. Also, bring candy to class on Tuesday for our Candy Neurons group activity. (Four students to a group; plan together what candy each person can contribute for the assignment.)

Cards Unit 3A, 3B

For units 3A and 3B, some terms can be done the way you normally do your cards, but others are anatomical parts that you might not find names and examples for. If you have an anatomical term like "axon," use the format below. You need to have 6 things on the back of each card still. 

1. Term
2. Key word or mnemonic
3. Initials

1. Definition
2. SKETCH! If the term can be sketched (if it's a part of a neuron or a part of the brain), do a little sketch with an arrow pointing to the part. You may copy illustrations from the book. Otherwise, write a detail from the book that is important.
3. Normal Function (what this thing does normally)
4. Possible Malfunction (what could go wrong related to this thing, or describe any possible related disorders)
5. How does it interact with other structures
6. Class notes

1. Make a card for each of the neurotransmitters in the neurotransmitter chart in the first section. 
2. ALSO please add a card for every term that is in italics in the reading and for all terms in charts.
3. Also be sure to add a concept card for any section in the reading that doesn't have a vocab card. You need to know EVERYTHING in the textbook!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Unit 7A Study Guide



Online quizzes for practice:


Crash Course (two ten-min videos)
1. How we make memories
2. Remembering and forgetting

Elizabeth Loftus on eyewitness memory
Peter Doolittle on working memory

Animation: What happens when hippocampus is removed

Clive Wearing Videos

What is Alzheimer's disease? (3 minutes)
Experiencing Alzheimer's (8 minutes)


Patient HM's story on NPR

In class, we mentioned earworms- those annoying songs that get stuck in your head as a result of automatic encoding. Some of our earworms were:
- free credit report .com
- get connected, for free, at education connection!
- the Spongebob theme song

Take a listen to the interview with a psychologist who collects and studies earworms:
Or check out this article:

Then post your most bothersome earworms in the comments below!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reading Schedule and Assignments for Unit 7A: Memory

Reading Schedule: 

Friday 9/11: 255-260

Tuesday 9/15: 261-265

Wed9/16:  266-273

Thurs9/17: 274-279

Fri 9/18: 280-284

Mon 9/21: 285-293

Tues 9/22: 294-297

Wed 9/23: Online quizzes & study!


HOMEWORK ON 9/15-9/16: PsychSim5 Memory Unit 7A

Find the following tutorial on the menu: ICONIC MEMORY 

Print out and complete the matching worksheet: Unit 7A: Iconic Memory

EXTRA CREDIT: Create your own mnemonic device with the mneominicizer!


What is Alzheimer's disease? (3 minutes)

Experiencing Alzheimer's (8 minutes)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Getting Started on Unit 7A: Memory

Hi guys!

Hope you're having a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.  Thanks for making the time for AP Psych!

Please read pages 255-260 and and make flashcards for those terms. I will do a spot check of your cards in class on Tuesday morning, so make sure that your cards are filled with good stuff from your reading!

Here's my YouTube playlist for this unit. Take some ideas from these videos for #5 on your cards!
Psych: Memory Vids:

Just in case you need a refresher, here's the format for your 4"x6" cards:

Front (blank side) of card: (4 items)
- Vocabulary term goes in the center
- An important keyword or mnemonic goes underneath
- Draw a simple sketch related to the term
- Write your full name on the first card, and only your initials on every other card.

Back (lined side) of card: (6 items)
1. Define the term. You may put the book's definition in your own words.
2. List names of any relevant psychologists
3. A fact from the reading
4. An real life example from the reading
5. A personal link (an example or link from your real life)
6. Notes from class

You should do everything at home except for #6 on the back. Come to class prepared to ask questions and discuss what you read and wrote! I can't wait to hear all of your examples :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unit 2 Home Learning and Fun Stuff!

Design an Experiment Assignment (Due Fri. 9/11)

Plan a psychology-related experiment that you would like to conduct on humans. Write your plan in paragraph form. Address the following in your paragraph: 
  • theory
  • hypothesis
  • independent variable
  • operational definition of the dependent variable
  • experimental group
  • control group
  • How will you control for bias? (give two techniques)
  • What ethical considerations will you use? (give two)
See the American Psychological Association's guide for high school experiments here:

Here you'll find the links to Spurious Correlations, The Amazing Randi's TED Talk, and more!

And remember to watch Crash Course for every unit!


Thursday, September 10

  1. Unit 2 Cards spot check in class
  2. Complete BOTH Unit 2 Online Quizzes for homework
  3. STUDY your cards for the test!

Friday, September 11

  1. Unit 2 Cards due, worth 30 points, follow instructions from previous blog post for unit 1 cards
  2. Design an Experiment HW Due
  3. Last chance to turn in Descriptive Statistics PsychSim Worksheet
  4. Unit 2 TEST: 40 multiple choice and one essay
  5. Begin Unit 7: Memory for homework

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Unit 2 Home Learning Reading and Flashcard Schedule

Hello All!

You survived  your first AP Psych test! Well, it was a short one... but now you know what you need to do. Be sure that you stick to this schedule and do your flashcards each night so that you're prepared for class discussion. Refer to instructions from the previous post. 

Tuesday 9/1: p. 19-26
Wednesday 9/2: p.27-33
Thursday 9/3: p. 34-36
Friday 9/4: p. 37-41  and PsychSim Statistics WS and Online Quiz
Tuesday 9/8: p. 42-46
Wednesday 9/9: p. 47-49 and Design an Experiment HW
Thursday 9/10: Online Quizzes Unit 2


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Second Home Learning Assignment... Unit 1 Flashcards!!!

Hey everyone, I know this is the moment you've all been waiting for... instructions for your flashcards! Tonight you will begin your cards for Unit 1 and Appendix A. Completed flashcards will be graded on Tuesday. Be sure to bring cards to class daily for whichever unit we're working on. Start with the first ten pages of terms.

Please do everything for this class in PEN and use 4"x6" index cards. Email me if you cannot obtain materials for financial reasons.

Front (blank side) of card:
- Vocabulary term goes in the center
- An important keyword or mnemonic goes underneath
- Draw a simple sketch related to the term
- Write your full name on the first card, and only your initials on every other card.

Back (lined side) of card:
1. Define the term. You may put the book's definition in your own words.
2. List names of any relevant psychologists
3. A fact from the reading
4. An real life example from the reading
5. A personal link (an example or link from your real life)
6. Notes from class

You should do everything at home except for #6 on the back. Come to class prepared to ask questions and discuss what you read and wrote! I can't wait to hear all of your examples :)

First Period, bring all of your first day forms!
All periods, remember to bring your Psychology's Timeline worksheet and do the online quiz tonight (see details in the previous post).

Monday, August 24, 2015

Welcome to AP Psych! First Home Learning Assignment...

It was great to meet you all today! I look forward to a great year with you. Please check out the updated syllabus in the links to the right and bring your first set of index cards to class so that we can get started together! Here's your first home learning assignment, which is related to Unit 1. 

This is a simple, three-part assignment. You will print a worksheet, do a tutorial, then take a quiz. Follow these instructions IN ORDER!

1. PRINT OR COPY BY HAND: Psychology's Timeline worksheet

2. Fill in the worksheet using the Psychology's Timeline TUTORIAL

3. Use what you learned to complete the online QUIZ.
Go to: 
Click on the + for the Unit 1 menu (under Browse by Unit).
Click on PsychSim5 Online Quiz: Psychology's Timeline
When you click on the quiz, it will ask you to make an account. Be sure to use your real name and email address. For instructor's email, put in
This way I will automatically receive your score. There is no need to print anything for the quiz!

Please let me know tomorrow if you have any questions! All students must have this completed by Thursday night at midnight. Worksheets due in class Friday.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


The 2015 AP Psych exam is Monday, May 4, at noon. Let's get reviewing!

Check out the course description from the College Board at

Feel free to take any online quizzes for practice at

There are a lot of cool apps you can use for review, like... 
- Brain MnemonX from and
- 3D Brain from The Dana Foundation.
Please post any apps that you've found in the comments below!

Below are some things you might like to download for review!

1. Perspectives Chart

2. Confusing Pairs

3. Research Methods Chart

4. Brain mnemonics (you may have copied this earlier in the year already)

5. Neurotransmitter Chart

6. Famous Contributors to Psychology

7. Pun List Famous Psychologists

8. Operant Conditioning Consequence Matrix

9. Examples of Negative Reinforcers (remember, a reinforcer is a reward)

10. Most frequently cited concepts in intro to psych books (a list of 428 important terms)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

AP District Review Info!

Here you will find a letter from Mr. Runcie and a list of review sessions scheduled for the AP Review at South Plantation on April 11th

The registration website is located at:

Several of you have asked for this so I'm releasing it a couple of days early. I would prefer that you distribute to your AP students on Friday.

While you can access the website, sales do not open until Monday, March 9th. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015


The 8A/8B/AppendixB Test will be Monday, March 9.

Remember to have your online quizzes for 8A and 8B completed by Sunday night. You may want to do the PsychSim and Appendix B quizzes for extra practice.

Flashcards for 8A, 8B, and Appendix B will be due on Monday as well.

In class on Friday 3/6, we will be covering the rest of the vocab on stress and health from 8B. Be prepared with flashcards to participate!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Unit 8A 8B Slideshow and Assignments

Unit 8A and 8B Slides:

Assignments for 8A&8B

1. Flashcards must have 4 things:

  1.  definition
  2. book example or detail
  3. personal example or another note from the book
  4. class notes

2. PsychSim Tutorials and Worksheets:

For Unit 8A: (Due Wed 2/25)

  • Hunger and the Fat Rat  Print or hand-write this WORKSHEET and answer it using this TUTORIAL

    For Unit 8B: (Due Tues 3/3)

    3. Online quizzes

    Do Unit 8A  and 8B quiz 1 and quiz 2 for each (four total).

    *The test for Unit 8A Motiviation will be combined with 8B Emotion. The 8A&B test is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2015.