1. Extra Credit Psych Bowl Poster, due Monday when we get back
2. Work on Disorders Cookbook project, due 3/27 and 3/28
Ok, here are the instructions for those...
1. Extra Credit Psych Bowl Poster Competition
Poster Rules:
Posters are like those that would be presented at a Psychology Science Fair. Posters will be organized into
two divisions: 1) literary review and 2) student-performed experiments. Literary review posters will grant participants the opportunity to explore a topic of choice from any school of psychology whereas posters based on a student-performed experiment will allow a hands-on experience where students must analyze their own findings.
You may adapt your psych-related science fair project as a base for an experiment poster. Rubrics for each poster type may be found below.
Posters can be presented in any array of colors and MUST be professionally printed (like at FedEx Office / Office Depot). If you turn your poster in by email or on a thumb drive by Monday I'll print it for you. Homemade science fair boards will not be accepted.
Students may work alone or in groups of two or three students.
Please do not submit a poster topic for any poster that has not been completed. Attached are a few sample posters from last year’s Psychology Bowl that contains the required elements below. Literary review posters can be on a psychological contributor, experiment, topic, etc.
Category 1: Literary review posters must include these sections:
1) Introduction (origins of the topic/person/experiment) and/or define the problem.
2) Background and/or historical concepts/key theories/ideas
3) Review of procedures and/or instruments used (including experiments) to obtain the psychological concepts/key theories/ideas
4) Application of topic to current world/societal issues and norms
5) Recommendations for further research (including changing or growing on, even replicating research) or further readings
6) What sources were used? Note:
Full APA reference needed for at least 5 sources. Please refer to
APA citing at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Email me if you need help with this.
7) All posters must have a picture/visual and chart/graph representing the data.
or Category 2: Student experiment* posters must include:
1) Introduction to the experiment in which they address the problem at hand.
2) Experimental design in which both the experimental and control groups are identified and the procedure is fully and carefully described.
3) Student’s hypothesis supported with background information on the topic.
4) Data obtained through experimental trials should be presented in a neat format. All posters must have a picture/visual and chart/graph representing the data.
5) Analysis of experimental results including possible psychological implications. This portion of the poster must connect to the original hypothesis in assessing its accuracy relative to the final conclusion of the experiment. If the student’s experimental conclusion differs from their hypothesis, they must explain why the hypothesis may be wrong or what flaws in the experiment may have led to the contradiction.
Some examples for posters:
6) What sources were used, in APA format. Please refer to APA citing at
For either poster category, please feel free to use templates from a template site! A great site is http://www.genigraphics.com/templates/default.asp.
Four SHS posters will be submitted for judging at District level!
or text me if you have my number.
2. Disorders Cookbook Project
This is a REQUIRED chapter 16 project.
Here are the guidelines:
- You may work in pairs or groups of 3. Each person in the group is responsible for 5 recipes, so if you are in a pair, your cookbook should have at least 10 recipes. If you are in a group of 3, your book will have at least 15 recipes.
- One recipe per page
- Each disorder will be connected with a real food (i.e. Schizophrenic spaghetti).
- Each recipe must include symptoms as ingredients (i.e. 2 lbs. of hallucinations, 1 part delusions of grandeur, etc.) with appropriate 'measurement' amounts
- Include directions for how to combine the ingredients to 'make' the recipe
- Your front cover must have your “chef names” and your real names must be on the back.
- Illustrations, drawing, or graphics are required for each recipe. These can be drawn or computer generated, however, the final copy must be professional, readable, and must have all the above requirements.
Email me if you have questions...
or text me if you have my number.