Friday, November 22, 2013

Sleeeeeeeep (and Dreams!)

The first part of Unit 5, States of Consciousness, is all about sleep, sleep disorders, and dreaming. Here are some fun things to enhance your understanding!

My slides from class

Why do we dream? Vsauce video:

Dream Symbols

And here are a bunch of other related things, including info on lucid dreams:

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sensation and Perception!!! Unit 4 stuff and things

Here are the slides I'm using for class discussion:

Here are some fun links that relate to your unit, including a cochlear implant demo, a test to see if you have synesthesia, and an NPR story about the taste of umami:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Unit 3A&B Extra Credit and TED Talks

Extra Credit Brain Model Assignment! (Option A)
You will be building a 3D model brain using the material of your choice.
Your model will be due on Thursday 10/10, which is also TEST DAY.

-Your brain can be made out of anything you want (clay, ceramic, foam) EXCEPT FOR FOOD. You may NOT use food or anything that is perishable to build your brain.
-You may work with a partner. You may work with someone who has AP psych another period.
-You may create a standing 3D model, a hanging 3D model, or a 3D model that lays flat.
-Your goal is to develop a model that identifies specific structures of the human brain. The structures that you must identify are listed below.
-You may either number the parts of your model and make a key, or you may label them directly on the model.
-Your model should be approximately life-sized and split in half so that we can see the inner sides of both hemispheres. You might want to label the inside of one hemisphere and the outside of the other hemisphere. You don't need to label the same structure twice on the two hemispheres.
-Also, if you have an Android or iPhone, you can download the 3D Brain app from The DANA Foundation for free.

This should be fun!!!

(1 point per structure)

1. Frontal lobe
2. Parietal lobe
3. Temporal lobe
4. Occipital lobe
5. Cerebellum
6. Motor cortex
7. Sensory cortex
8. Corpus callosum
9. Thalamus
10. Hypothalamus
11. Pituitary gland
12. Medulla
13. Hippocampus
14. Limbic system
15. Brain stem
16. Reticular Formation
17. Amygdala
18. Broca’s Area
19. Wernicke’s Area
20. Pons
21. Left hemisphere
22. Right hemisphere
23. Visual cortex
24. Auditory cortex
25. Angular gyrus

Option B: Extra Credit Brain Song:
Write a neuroscience song to the tune of any pop song released in the last year (2012-2013). Your song must include terms and concepts from unit 3A and/or 3B!

TED Talks!!!

Whenever you get a chance, take a listen to a few TED Talks. Start with these, but there are so many good ones relevant to your chapter!

The home page is or you could download the TED app on your smartphone.

and you should start with Jill Bolte Taylor's "Stroke of Insight" talk:

then you might like Iain McGilchrist's Divided Brain:

and Helen Fisher: The Brain in Love

and for my musicians and rappers, Charles Limb: Your Brain on Improv:

And here are some places you might go to get lost for days looking at cool stuff:

My psych board on Pinterest:

The secret life of the brain:

You may also enjoy some other items I've bookmarked for this unit:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Unit 7B Resources

There will be a short test (a 'quest') on Unit 7B tomorrow, Thursday 9/26 (early release day!). Your flashcards will be collected!

Here are the slides I used in class:
(source info: the majority of the slides from this ppt are from

Please complete online quizzes 1 and 2 for unit 7B by midnight tonight.
Be sure that you are signing in with your student account and having scores sent to your instructor, not your scorecard. 

Here are some fun related links for this unit:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sign up NOW for your free Brain newsletter!!!!

You will be expected to bring your "Brain in the News" newsletter to class when the next issue is released, so sign up now to be sure that you get it in the mail in time!

Go to DANA.ORG and look down the left column to where it says "Subscribe Free, Brain in the News"

Make an account to log in and order the FREE "Brain in the News" newsletter to arrive at your home.  

ALSO, check out the info about the brain science contest in the right hand column  of the home page! We'll talk more about it in class when we cover unit 3B. Can't wait!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Extra Credit Activities for Unit 7A (Memory)

PsychSim5 Memory Activities and Worksheets

Find the following tutorials on the menu:
Iconic Memory
Short Term Memory
When Memory Fails
Trusting Your Memory

Print out the matching worksheets:

Art Extra Credit! Word Wall Transparency 

Get a transparency from me in class, and illustrate one vocab term on it using markers. The transparency 'word wall' will be displayed on the classroom windows.
Instead of a term, you may choose to create a transparency that illustrates a mnemonic device related to unit 7A. It may be one you invent or one you heard in class.


What is Alzheimer's disease? (3 minutes)
Experiencing Alzheimer's (8 minutes)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Earworms! Unit 7A

Today in class, we mentioned earworms- those annoying songs that get stuck in your head as a result of automatic encoding. Some of our earworms were:
- free credit report .com
- get connected, for free, at education connection!
- the Spongebob theme song

Take a listen to the interview with a psychologist who collects and studies earworms:
Or check out this article:

Then post your most bothersome earworms in the comments below!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Unit 2 Test is Monday, 9/9!

 On Monday, be prepared to turn in the following*:

  • research methods chart
  • vocab flashcards completed with four items on the back
  • three PsychSim worksheet activities 
  • online quizzes for unit 2 (complete by midnight Sunday)
*Instructions for all of these items can be found in a previous post or on Pinnacle.

Here's my unit 2 powerpoint that I used in class. (Some of you asked me to post the chart and the ethics slide, so they are both here.)

Here's some fun stuff for this unit: 

Video: Award-winning teen science fair projects- TED talk - three girls talk about their research:

25 Famous Psych Experiments:

Top 10 Unethical Psych Experiments:

Here's my psychology board on Pinterest... if you like infographics, you'll love this!

Science fair projects

If you are doing a science fair project involving psych, here is the American Psychological Association's handbook for high school psych science fair projects. At the end it has templates for all of the consent forms you need!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Unit 2 PsychSim Assignment (Updated*)

First, print the worksheets:
Download and print the worksheets for:
-What's wrong with this study
-Descriptive Statistics

Then, complete the worksheets using the tutorials:

PsychSim 5 Tutorials Menu:

*This post has been updated with a direct link to a page with all of the worksheets.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Unit 2 Plans!

Hello all,
I realize Pinnacle is down, so here's an overview of what to expect in terms of assignments for Unit 2.

You are required to read all of Unit 2. Hopefully the flashcards and chart will serve as reading tools for you. I will assign a few pages per night to help you schedule and budget your time. Use your e-book- you can read on your phone!

You will make a card for each vocab term in the unit.
On the front (blank side) of the card, write the term and your initials.
On the back (lined side), write
1. the book definition
2. an example from the reading or other important book info
3. an example from your life or another book example
4. class notes or more examples

For each research method, you will write pros, cons, examples, and relevant vocab.
This will be assigned in class.

Do quiz 1 and quiz 2 under UNIT 2 resources for practice. These must be done by midnight before test day.

There will be a few in-class practice activities that you must be present to participate in.

The anticipated date for the Unit 2 test is Friday, Sept. 6.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Unit 1 Flashcards Home Learning Assignment


Materials needed:
 3"x5" index cards (We use these all year, so feel free to buy them in bulk if you can find them on sale. If you cannot purchase cards, you must email me for an alternative ASAP to have the assignment done before the due date.) Over the course of the year, you will need at least 10 packs of 100 cards.
 Blue or Black Pen ONLY
 Internet access OR Y\your Psychology textbook, Unit 1

Instructions for finding the vocab online:
A. Go to
Scroll down to the list titled “Student Resources” and click on “Flashcards.”
You will create a flashcard for each of the terms from Unit 1.

1. On the FRONT (blank side) of each index card, copy the term or name from each digital flashcard, and write your first name and last initial under the term.
There should be only one term per card. (You are making flashcards to study from!)

2. On the BACK (lined side) of each card, do the following:

 a. copy the definition.
 b. write a brief example or link that you believe will help you remember this definition.
Note: The definition and example should only take up the top half of the card,
so that you leave room for class notes.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Home Learning Assignment: "Psychology's Timeline" (for Unit 1)

This is a simple, three-part assignment. You will print a worksheet, do a tutorial, then take a quiz. Follow these instructions IN ORDER!

1. PRINT OR COPY BY HAND: Psychology's Timeline worksheet

2. Fill in the worksheet using the Psychology's Timeline TUTORIAL

3. Use what you learned to complete the online QUIZ.
Go to: 
Click on the + for the Unit 1 menu (under Browse by Unit).
Click on PsychSim5 Online Quiz: Psychology's Timeline
When you click on the quiz, it will ask you to make an account. Be sure to use your real name and email address. For instructor's email, put in
This way I will automatically receive your score. There is no need to print anything for the quiz!

Please let me know tomorrow if you have any questions! All students must have this completed by Wednesday night at midnight. Worksheets due in class Thursday.

Home Learning Assignment: Psychology

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to AP Psych!

Welcome Dragons! I'm anticipating a wonderful school year with you, my new AP Psych students! You'll find that psychology is my passion and it's pretty contagious! Here's your syllabus if you'd like to take a look, but I'll get you a hard copy by the end of this week. Be sure to have your materials, because we will hit the ground running!

Please feel free to email me any questions!

Mrs. H

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Review Materials for the AP Psych Exam

Below are some things you need to download for your review!

Also, feel free to take any online quizzes for practice at
There are a lot of cool apps you can use for review, too, like Brain MnemonX from and 3D Brain from The Dana Foundation. Please post any apps that you've found in the comments below!

1. Perspectives Chart

2. Confusing Pairs

3. Research Methods Chart

4. Brain mnemonics (you may have copied this earlier in the year already)

5. Neurotransmitter Chart

6. Famous Contributors to Psychology

7. Pun List Famous Psychologists

8. Operant Conditioning Consequence Matrix

9. Examples of Negative Reinforcers (remember, a reinforcer is a reward)

10. Most frequently cited concepts in intro to psych books (a list of 428 important terms)