Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Hello AP Psychers,

Just wanted to let you know that all new communications for the 2016-2017 school year will be posted on Canvas at BrowardSchools.Instructure.com. Once you go there, sign in as you would for Pinnacle, and you will see your AP Psychology course. I will keep this blog active, but not up to date for current assignments.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Unit 1 and Appendix A Home Learning Activities

Hey everyone, I know this is the moment you've all been waiting for... instructions for your flashcards! Tonight you will begin your cards for Unit 1 and Appendix A.  Be sure to bring cards (including extra blank ones) to class daily for whichever unit we're working on. Start with the first ten pages of terms.

Please do everything for this class in PEN and use 4"x6" index cards. Email me if you cannot obtain materials for financial reasons.

Front (blank side) of card:
- Vocabulary term goes in the center
- An important keyword or mnemonic goes underneath
- Draw a simple sketch related to the term
- Write your full name on the first card, and only your initials on every other card.

Back (lined side) of card:
1. Define the term. You may put the book's definition in your own words.
2. List names of any relevant psychologists
3. A fact from the reading
4. An real life example from the reading
5. A personal link (an example or link from your real life)
6. Notes from class

Here is the reading and card schedule for the unit. As you read, complete flashcards for the vocab terms you come across, using the textbook info to fill in each card.

Wednesday Night 8/24: Unit 1 pages 1-7
Thursday Night 8/25: Unit 1 pages 8-14
Friday - Sunday Night 8/26: Appendix A

This way, you read the pages we are covering the night before our discussion and you come to class prepared.

Additional in-class activities will be assigned to enhance your understanding.

The UNIT 1/APPENDIX A TEST will be on Tuesday, September 6th.

What if famous contributors to psychology had Instagram? Create a mini-poster (8"x11") depicting the Instagram feed of one of the key people in Unit 1. Be sure to include their username, a profile pic, comments, hashtags, and likes!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome to AP Psychology! (Updated link)

It was a pleasure to meet all of you today!
The 2016-17 Syllabus will be posted here, in the column to the left. For now, please see the current syllabus for information and a materials list.

Tonight's home learning assignment is simple. Just print this worksheet (Psychology's Timeline worksheet) and complete it as you click through this tutorial (TUTORIAL). If you do not have a working printer, you may write out the worksheet on your own paper.

Please let me know tomorrow if you have any questions! All students must have this completed by Tuesday night at midnight. Worksheets due in class by Wednesday.

Welcome to AP Psychology!

It was a pleasure to meet all of you today!
The 2016-17 Syllabus will be posted here, in the column to the left. For now, please see the current syllabus for information and a materials list.

Tonight's home learning assignment is simple. Just print this worksheet (Psychology's Timeline worksheet) and complete it as you click through this tutorial (TUTORIAL). If you do not have a working printer, you may write out the worksheet on your own paper.

Lastly, use what you learned to complete the online QUIZ.
Go to: www.worthpublishers.com/myersap1e 
Click on the + for the Unit 1 menu (under Browse by Unit).
Click on PsychSim5 Online Quiz: Psychology's Timeline
When you click on the quiz, it will ask you to make an account. Be sure to use your real name and email address. For instructor's email, put in Lara.Herrera@BrowardSchools.com
This way I will automatically receive your score. There is no need to print anything for the quiz!

Please let me know tomorrow if you have any questions! All students must have this completed by Tuesday night at midnight. Worksheets due in class by Wednesday.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Operation College Search, Phase 2 of 2

This is part two of two. Plan to research and present on Thursday 6/2.

Choose your top three universities using part 1. For each of the universities, you will take an in-depth look at their Psychology Department. Answer the following for each university:

1. What graduate degrees are offered through the psych department? Be specific. (e.g. Master's in Marriage and Family Counseling; Ph.D. in Art Therapy)

2. Who are the professors in this department and what research are they currently working on? Look for famous names. Read their bios.

3. Look for news from the psych department on the university's main page. What psych-related items are in the headlines?

Make a powerpoint or navigate us through the website on the overhead projector as you present your findings.

HERE IS SOME IMPORTANT INFO FOR JUNIORS FROM THE BRACE ADVISER. It contains scholarship info with DEADLINES you must be aware of before summer starts regarding the State University Systemhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4xdTlrmZTl3THJpOFphbDhEMmc/view?usp=sharing

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Hi AP Psychers!
I'm so happy to say that my dog, Bella, was found and brought home safely! Thank you all for being so thoughtful and understanding with me. All of your good vibes worked!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Apply Yourself! Operation College Search Phase 1 of 2

Hello all!

Well, AP exams are over and now we're looking forward to the summer. Be sure you include college applications and SAT/ACT test prep in your summer plans and have your ducks in a row before you leave us!

Here's a project to get you started on the path to your ultimate academic goals.

Phase 1
Use the APPLY YOURSELF STUDENT GUIDE found in the link below to do the first part of your project.
In class, read (skim) through the first 13 pages of the guide.

The reason I ask you to first do page 15, is that you will look at your top 3 university choices online and compare the basics. THEN, Page 14 then asks you for more details about just one. Choose one of your top three to complete page 14.


Pages 15 and 14 are due to the sub in class today.

Phase 2 of the is assignment will be to research the psychology departments of your top university choice(s). Stay tuned for the next post :)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Review Assignments for 4/18 to 5/2

1. Illustrated Dictionary Assignment: You will need a composition book and colored pencils. Each day, you will choose ten terms that you want to review from each unit, two units per day (20 total daily). For each term, you will write a brief definition in your own words, then use colored pencils to illustrate the term. See a photo example here: (link)
Work on this daily following this schedule. It will be checked in two parts, this Friday and next Friday, before the exam for 100 points total.

Part 1 Due Friday 4/22
  • Monday
    • 1: History/Perspectives and Appendix A: Subfields
    • 2: Research Methods
  • Tuesday
    • 3A: Neurons
    • 3B: Brain
  • Wednesday
    • 3C: Genetics
    • 4: Sensation Perception
  • Thursday
    • 5: Sleep/Hypnosis/Drugs
    • 6: Learning
Part 2 Due Friday 4/29
  • Friday 
    • 7A
    • 7B
  • Monday
    • 8A
    • 8B
  • Tuesday
    • 9
    • 10
  • Wednesday
    • 11
    • 12
  • Thursday
    • 13
    • 14 

2. Perspectives Chart: Please print or hand-write and complete for HW. This is due Wednesday, 4/20/16.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4xdTlrmZTl3RE5wU19zV1ZWVkk/edit?usp=sharing

3. Famous names in psychology packet: You may print and complete or hand-write this chart, which is due Monday, 4/25/16.

Friday, April 15, 2016


The 2016 AP Psych exam is Monday, May 2, at noon. Let's get reviewing!

Check out the course description from the College Board at https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-psychology-course-description-2014-15.pdf

Feel free to take any online quizzes for practice at www.worthpublishers.com/myersap1e

There are a lot of cool apps you can use for review, like... 
- Brain MnemonX from ThePsychFiles.com and
- 3D Brain from The Dana Foundation.
Please post any apps that you've found in the comments below!

Below are some things you might like to download for review!

1. Perspectives Chart

2. Confusing Pairs

3. Research Methods Chart

4. Brain mnemonics (you may have copied this earlier in the year already)

5. Neurotransmitter Chart

6. Famous Contributors to Psychology

7. Pun List Famous Psychologists

8. Operant Conditioning Consequence Matrix

9. Examples of Negative Reinforcers (remember, a reinforcer is a reward)

10. Most frequently cited concepts in intro to psych books (a list of 428 important terms)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

UPDATE: Unit 14 Assignments and Dates

This test will be Monday, 4/18. Be prepared to start your review!


THIS IS THE FORMAT FOR UNIT 14 CARDS: (Due Tuesday, 4/12/16)
3.Keyword or Synonym
1.Personal example (from your real life or from the class Tribes activity); 
2.Example(s) from the book; 
3.Definition in your own words
Also, ADD one card for each of the following psychologists and their famous research studies:
1.Solomon Asch, 2.Robert Cialdini, 3.John Darley & Bibb Latane, 4.Leon Festinger, 5.Irving Janis, 6.Stanley Milgram, 7.Muzafer Sherif, 8.Philip Zimbardo

Stanford Prison Experiment Questions:

  • Stanford Prison Experiment: Go to PrisonExp.org and click through the website to answer these questions (include vocab terms in your answers where possible):
    1. Why did the police procedures during the mock arrest make the prisoners feel dehumanized?
    2. What are the effects of living in an environment with no clocks, no view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation? 
    3. At first, push-ups were not a very aversive punishment, but they became more so as the study wore on. Why the change? 
    4. How do you think you would have behaved if you were a prisoner in this situation? How about if you were a guard? 
    5. Do you think that this research was ethical and/or was it necessary for understanding real life? Why?
Links you'll love...

PsychSim5: Social Decision Making

Print the worksheet, then complete it as you click through the tutorial, and follow up with a short quiz. 

1. The worksheet is here: http://content.bfwpub.com/webroot_pubcontent/Content/BCS/Myers%20in%20Mod%209e/PsychSim5_PDF_Worksheets/40_SocialDecision.pdf

2. The tutorial is here:  http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/myersap1e/default.asp#612492__616056__

3. Then do the matching online quiz

ONLINE QUIZZES www.worthpublishers.com/myersAP1e
1. Social Decision Making
2. Unit 14 Quiz 1
3. Unit 14 Quiz 2

Feel free to use your e-book, available in the social studies textbooks on BEEP.browardschools.com. You can also see lots of video clips if you click on the Video Toolkit right below the link for the text book. 

Unit 14 Test Wednesday, 4/13/16

Monday, April 4, 2016

Unit 13 Activity: Therapist for a Day

Therapist for a Day Handout
Here is the class activity. The first part is to be done on a single paper as a group. Part 2 is to be done on your own, then return to the group and share.

Case Studies: (Only use the one that your group is assigned to.)

Case 1
Jessica is a 28 year-old married female. She has a very demanding, high stress job as a second year medical resident in a large hospital. Jessica has always been a high achiever. She graduated with top honors in both college and medical school. She has very high standards for herself and can be very self-critical when she fails to meet them. Lately, she has struggled with significant feelings of worthlessness and shame due to her inability to perform as well as she always has in the past.
For the past few weeks Jessica has felt unusually fatigued and found it increasingly difficult to concentrate at work. Her coworkers have noticed that she is often irritable and withdrawn, which is quite different from her typically upbeat and friendly disposition. She has called in sick on several occasions, which is completely unlike her. On those days she stays in bed all day, watching TV or sleeping.
At home, Jessica’s husband has noticed changes as well. She’s has had difficulties falling asleep at night. Her insomnia has been keeping him awake as she tosses and turns for an hour or two after they go to bed. He’s overheard her having frequent tearful phone conversations with her closest friend, which have him worried. When he tries to get her to open up about what’s bothering her, she pushes him away with an abrupt “everything’s fine”.
Although she hasn’t ever considered suicide, Jessica has found herself increasingly dissatisfied with her life. She’s been having frequent thoughts of wishing she was dead. She gets frustrated with herself because she feels like she has every reason to be happy, yet can’t seem to shake the sense of doom and gloom that has been clouding each day as of late.

Case 2
Kristen is a 38 year-old divorced mother of two teenagers. She has had a successful, well-paying career for the past several years in upper-level management. Even though she has worked for the same, thriving company for over 6 years, she’s found herself worrying constantly about losing her job and being unable to provide for her children. This worry has been troubling her for the past 8 months. Despite her best efforts, she hasn’t been able to shake the negative thoughts.

Ever since the worry started, Kristen has found herself feeling restless, tired, and tense. She often paces in her office when she’s there alone. She’s had several embarrassing moments in meetings where she has lost track of what she was trying to say. When she goes to bed at night, it’s as if her brain won’t shut off. She finds herself mentally rehearsing all the worse-case scenarios regarding losing her job, including ending up homeless.

Case 3
Josh is a 27 year-old male who recently moved back in with his parents after his fiancée was killed by a drunk driver 3 months ago. No matter how hard he tries to forget, he frequently finds himself reliving the entire incident as if it was happening all over.
Since the accident, Josh has been plagued with nightmares about the accident almost every night. He had to quit his job because his office was located in the building right next to the little café where he was meeting his fiancée for lunch the day she died. The few times he attempted to return to work were unbearable for him. He has since avoided that entire area of town.
Normally an outgoing, fun-loving guy, Josh has become increasingly withdrawn, “jumpy”, and irritable since his fiancé’s death. He’s stopped working out, playing his guitar, or playing basketball with his friends – all activities he once really enjoyed. His parents worry about how detached and emotionally flat he’s become.

Case 4
Martin is a 21 year-old business major at a large university. Over the past few weeks his family and friends have noticed increasingly bizarre behaviors. On many occasions they’ve overheard him whispering in an agitated voice, even though there is no one nearby. Lately, he has refused to answer or make calls on his cell phone, claiming that if he does it will activate a deadly chip that was implanted in his brain by evil aliens.
His parents have tried to get him to go with them to a psychiatrist for an evaluation, but he refuses. He has accused them on several occasions of conspiring with the aliens to have him killed so they can remove his brain and put it inside one of their own. He has stopped attended classes altogether. He is now so far behind in his coursework that he will fail if something doesn’t change very soon.
Although Martin occasionally has a few beers with his friends, he’s never been known to abuse alcohol or use drugs. He does, however, have an estranged aunt who has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals over the years due to erratic and bizarre behavior.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Disorders Recipe Book Project

You may work in pairs or groups of 3. Each person in the group is responsible for 5 recipes, so if you are in a pair, your cookbook should have at least 10 recipes. If you are in a group of 3, your book will have at least 15 recipes.
  • One recipe per page
  • Each disorder will be connected with a real food (i.e. Schizophrenic spaghetti).
  • Each recipe must include symptoms as ingredients (i.e. 2 lbs. of hallucinations, 1 part delusions of grandeur, etc.) with appropriate 'measurement' amounts
  • Include directions for how to combine the ingredients to 'make' the recipe 
  • Your front cover must have your “chef names” and your real names must be on the back.
  • Illustrations, drawing, or graphics are required for each recipe. These can be drawn or computer generated, however, the final copy must be professional, readable, and must have all the above requirements.

Check out this episode of MTV True Life: I Have Schizophrenia...
and the follow up q&a:
Also check out other episodes, like I Have OCD, and I Have Autism.

And here are more cool links to learn about other disorders:





Email me if you have questions... 
or text me if you have my number.

Monday, February 29, 2016

District AP Review

It's that time of year... AP exams are around the corner and we need to hit the ground running with some review!

The district AP review sessions will be at South Plantation High School on April 1st and 2nd. Tickets are $10 per session. You may attend up to four sessions for different AP courses you are taking.

Letter to AP students and parents from Broward Schools' Chief Academic Officer with the details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4xdTlrmZTl3QUM0NmJ3eFN6MDQ/view?usp=sharing

Schedule of available sessions:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4xdTlrmZTl3SkdWZnpBV3ZUSXc/view?usp=sharing 

Registration page (opens March 1st): tinyurl.com/jog7dsa

Monday, February 8, 2016

Unit 7B: A Tribe Without Numbers

Home Learning:

Please read this interesting article about Brazil's Piraha tribe, the tribe without numbers! 


Answer and turn in:
What is the main idea of this article? 
Can the tribe people understand math the same way you do?
What would each the following psychologists say about this tribe?
Benjamin Whorf
Noam Chomsky
BF Skinner

Monday, January 25, 2016

Shamu Article and HW for Operant Conditioning (Updated)

Hi guys,
Read this article, then answer the questions below. (Due Thursday)

Article: What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage

Now answer the following:

1.What were the problem behaviors the husband exhibited?

2.What was her initial approach?

3.Describe five techniques the wife learned from trainers and used on her husband using operant conditioning vocab.

4.Write  a plan to change someone’s behavior using operant conditioning techniques. Use at least five vocab terms, including the type of consequence and which schedule you will use (partial reinforcement schedules only). Due Thursday!

Check out some links if you want more ideas... http://www.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?folder=2112991

Here are the Unit 6 slides I'm using in class: