Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Unit 7B Resources

There will be a short test (a 'quest') on Unit 7B tomorrow, Thursday 9/26 (early release day!). Your flashcards will be collected!

Here are the slides I used in class:
(source info: the majority of the slides from this ppt are from

Please complete online quizzes 1 and 2 for unit 7B by midnight tonight.
Be sure that you are signing in with your student account and having scores sent to your instructor, not your scorecard. 

Here are some fun related links for this unit:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sign up NOW for your free Brain newsletter!!!!

You will be expected to bring your "Brain in the News" newsletter to class when the next issue is released, so sign up now to be sure that you get it in the mail in time!

Go to DANA.ORG and look down the left column to where it says "Subscribe Free, Brain in the News"

Make an account to log in and order the FREE "Brain in the News" newsletter to arrive at your home.  

ALSO, check out the info about the brain science contest in the right hand column  of the home page! We'll talk more about it in class when we cover unit 3B. Can't wait!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Extra Credit Activities for Unit 7A (Memory)

PsychSim5 Memory Activities and Worksheets

Find the following tutorials on the menu:
Iconic Memory
Short Term Memory
When Memory Fails
Trusting Your Memory

Print out the matching worksheets:

Art Extra Credit! Word Wall Transparency 

Get a transparency from me in class, and illustrate one vocab term on it using markers. The transparency 'word wall' will be displayed on the classroom windows.
Instead of a term, you may choose to create a transparency that illustrates a mnemonic device related to unit 7A. It may be one you invent or one you heard in class.


What is Alzheimer's disease? (3 minutes)
Experiencing Alzheimer's (8 minutes)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Earworms! Unit 7A

Today in class, we mentioned earworms- those annoying songs that get stuck in your head as a result of automatic encoding. Some of our earworms were:
- free credit report .com
- get connected, for free, at education connection!
- the Spongebob theme song

Take a listen to the interview with a psychologist who collects and studies earworms:
Or check out this article:

Then post your most bothersome earworms in the comments below!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Unit 2 Test is Monday, 9/9!

 On Monday, be prepared to turn in the following*:

  • research methods chart
  • vocab flashcards completed with four items on the back
  • three PsychSim worksheet activities 
  • online quizzes for unit 2 (complete by midnight Sunday)
*Instructions for all of these items can be found in a previous post or on Pinnacle.

Here's my unit 2 powerpoint that I used in class. (Some of you asked me to post the chart and the ethics slide, so they are both here.)

Here's some fun stuff for this unit: 

Video: Award-winning teen science fair projects- TED talk - three girls talk about their research:

25 Famous Psych Experiments:

Top 10 Unethical Psych Experiments:

Here's my psychology board on Pinterest... if you like infographics, you'll love this!

Science fair projects

If you are doing a science fair project involving psych, here is the American Psychological Association's handbook for high school psych science fair projects. At the end it has templates for all of the consent forms you need!