Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Unit 8A 8B Slideshow and Assignments

Unit 8A and 8B Slides:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4xdTlrmZTl3WXNNN19uY0lIWjg/edit?usp=sharing

Assignments for 8A&8B

1. Flashcards must have 4 things:

  1.  definition
  2. book example or detail
  3. personal example or another note from the book
  4. class notes

2. PsychSim Tutorials and Worksheets:

For Unit 8A: (Due Wed 2/25)

  • Hunger and the Fat Rat  Print or hand-write this WORKSHEET and answer it using this TUTORIAL

    For Unit 8B: (Due Tues 3/3)

    3. Online quizzes

    Do Unit 8A  and 8B quiz 1 and quiz 2 for each (four total).

    *The test for Unit 8A Motiviation will be combined with 8B Emotion. The 8A&B test is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2015.  

    Wednesday, February 18, 2015

    Unit 7B CW/HW

    Classwork on Wed 2/18:

    Please complete online quizzes 1 and 2 for unit 7B by midnight Thursday 2/19.
    Be sure that you are signing in with your student account and having scores sent to your instructor, not your scorecard.

    Here are some fun related links for this unit: