Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Unit 1 and Appendix A Home Learning Activities

Hey everyone, I know this is the moment you've all been waiting for... instructions for your flashcards! Tonight you will begin your cards for Unit 1 and Appendix A.  Be sure to bring cards (including extra blank ones) to class daily for whichever unit we're working on. Start with the first ten pages of terms.

Please do everything for this class in PEN and use 4"x6" index cards. Email me if you cannot obtain materials for financial reasons.

Front (blank side) of card:
- Vocabulary term goes in the center
- An important keyword or mnemonic goes underneath
- Draw a simple sketch related to the term
- Write your full name on the first card, and only your initials on every other card.

Back (lined side) of card:
1. Define the term. You may put the book's definition in your own words.
2. List names of any relevant psychologists
3. A fact from the reading
4. An real life example from the reading
5. A personal link (an example or link from your real life)
6. Notes from class

Here is the reading and card schedule for the unit. As you read, complete flashcards for the vocab terms you come across, using the textbook info to fill in each card.

Wednesday Night 8/24: Unit 1 pages 1-7
Thursday Night 8/25: Unit 1 pages 8-14
Friday - Sunday Night 8/26: Appendix A

This way, you read the pages we are covering the night before our discussion and you come to class prepared.

Additional in-class activities will be assigned to enhance your understanding.

The UNIT 1/APPENDIX A TEST will be on Tuesday, September 6th.

What if famous contributors to psychology had Instagram? Create a mini-poster (8"x11") depicting the Instagram feed of one of the key people in Unit 1. Be sure to include their username, a profile pic, comments, hashtags, and likes!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome to AP Psychology! (Updated link)

It was a pleasure to meet all of you today!
The 2016-17 Syllabus will be posted here, in the column to the left. For now, please see the current syllabus for information and a materials list.

Tonight's home learning assignment is simple. Just print this worksheet (Psychology's Timeline worksheet) and complete it as you click through this tutorial (TUTORIAL). If you do not have a working printer, you may write out the worksheet on your own paper.

Please let me know tomorrow if you have any questions! All students must have this completed by Tuesday night at midnight. Worksheets due in class by Wednesday.

Welcome to AP Psychology!

It was a pleasure to meet all of you today!
The 2016-17 Syllabus will be posted here, in the column to the left. For now, please see the current syllabus for information and a materials list.

Tonight's home learning assignment is simple. Just print this worksheet (Psychology's Timeline worksheet) and complete it as you click through this tutorial (TUTORIAL). If you do not have a working printer, you may write out the worksheet on your own paper.

Lastly, use what you learned to complete the online QUIZ.
Go to: 
Click on the + for the Unit 1 menu (under Browse by Unit).
Click on PsychSim5 Online Quiz: Psychology's Timeline
When you click on the quiz, it will ask you to make an account. Be sure to use your real name and email address. For instructor's email, put in
This way I will automatically receive your score. There is no need to print anything for the quiz!

Please let me know tomorrow if you have any questions! All students must have this completed by Tuesday night at midnight. Worksheets due in class by Wednesday.